Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Assignment #4 (part 2)

 This Painting is called "The Calling of Saint Matthew" which was done by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and was completed in the year 1600. Caravaggio was an Italian artist from Italy who had a big influence on Baroque art. This painting was meant for the Contarelli Chapel in the church of the French congregation. The Calling of Saint Matthew can be divided into two parts. There is the part where someone is walking in and seems as if he is being grabbed and then there is the unknown source of light that is coming into the room. The one who is depicted as pointing to someone at the table is Jesus. The one who is being pointed at is Matthew who is a tax collector. One thing that i noticed that was very interesting about this piece of art was that the light that is coming into the room is shown in the painting very realistically. The amount of detail that was put into this piece was phenomenal.
 This next painting is called "Madonna of the Harpies" which was done by a famous artist named Andrea Del Sarto. Andrea Del Sarto was an Italian painter from Florence, Italy who had a big influence in art during the Renaissance. Madonna of the Harpies was completed in 1517 and it depicts the Virgin Mary holding a baby on a pedestal. There is also two angels that appear to be holding onto the Virgin Mary and Two saints next to them as well. In my opinion this is very unique because it shows as if everyone is protecting the Virgin Mary and the child that she is holding. I also noticed that the Saint on the left is holding a cross which is a Religious Symbol. This painting has exquisite color detail along with the clothing and is by far one of Del Sarto's best paintings.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joey- OK, but this paper was supposed to be about artworks you saw at the museum- these are not at the Met-
