Friday, April 25, 2014

Assignment #5

Impressionism is a form of art which originated in the 19th century from artists who organized a exhibition in Paris. The original founders of the group were Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Camille Pissarro and a few more. The group was unified by its independence from the annual Salon which a group of artists from the Academie des Beaux Arts selected artworks and received awards. This group of artists became independent from the annual Salon and then became known as impressionist's. Impressionist painting characteristics include small, thin visible brush strokes and emphasis on accurate depiction of light.

Claude Monet, Impression, soleil levant.jpg

The first image is called "Impression, soleil levant" which was completed in 1872 by Claude Monet. It was said that this particular painting was the one that helped set off the impressionist movement. The painting shows some boats slowly going into the distance. You can also see a orange sun which gives the effect as the sun is going down. I feel as the mood in the painting is not so exciting but more sorrow due to the foggy back round. As if they were going somewhere that they were forced to or did not want to. This painting is an important piece that represents impressionism and the differences between them.

Henri Rousseau 007.jpg

This next painting was done by Henri Rousseau in 1910 during the Post-impressionist time. Post impressionism is a revised or extended version of impressionism while still using vivid colors in a real life scenario. Post impressionism was coined by a man named Roger Fry in 1910 The painting shows a group of people dancing with each other as if they were celebrating an occasion. You can also notice the detail in the leaves on the tree in the back round. You can notice the slight differences between impressionism and post impressionism by the detail that is put into the work, the 3D effect of objects and coloring differences. These two types of artwork are very important in History.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Assignment #4 (part 2)

 This Painting is called "The Calling of Saint Matthew" which was done by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and was completed in the year 1600. Caravaggio was an Italian artist from Italy who had a big influence on Baroque art. This painting was meant for the Contarelli Chapel in the church of the French congregation. The Calling of Saint Matthew can be divided into two parts. There is the part where someone is walking in and seems as if he is being grabbed and then there is the unknown source of light that is coming into the room. The one who is depicted as pointing to someone at the table is Jesus. The one who is being pointed at is Matthew who is a tax collector. One thing that i noticed that was very interesting about this piece of art was that the light that is coming into the room is shown in the painting very realistically. The amount of detail that was put into this piece was phenomenal.
 This next painting is called "Madonna of the Harpies" which was done by a famous artist named Andrea Del Sarto. Andrea Del Sarto was an Italian painter from Florence, Italy who had a big influence in art during the Renaissance. Madonna of the Harpies was completed in 1517 and it depicts the Virgin Mary holding a baby on a pedestal. There is also two angels that appear to be holding onto the Virgin Mary and Two saints next to them as well. In my opinion this is very unique because it shows as if everyone is protecting the Virgin Mary and the child that she is holding. I also noticed that the Saint on the left is holding a cross which is a Religious Symbol. This painting has exquisite color detail along with the clothing and is by far one of Del Sarto's best paintings.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Assignment #4 (part 1)

Nicholas Rut's is a businessman that dealt with with fur (russian sable) which was the most expensive. Rut's decided to wear his own stock of fur and have a portrait of himself made by Rembrandt. It was named the hairiest painting imaginable. In Rut's painting you will notice a long drop of fur with intense detail dropping down along his body. Rut's glance is described as that of a slightly impatient intelligence. His inner eyelids pink as if he sacrificed his sleep for the good of the investors. I believe he is called the business mans hero because Rembrandt has painted him with such great detail and meaning it portrays the true meaning of hard work and dedication of Nicholas Rut's like no one has ever been able to do.

The Portrait of the 83 year old women has details of droopy eyes, oily skin and unfocused melancholy. In my perspective it shows that she is expressing sorrow as if she just found out terrible news. In a way that she is reflecting of her past and figuring out where she went wrong that caused this sorrow. The detail of the portrait helps look at the exact mood that is reflected off the image and figure out what could have caused her to look as if she was in a terrible mood. Rembrandt has definitely proved that he is not only a painter but in fact a psychologist of the human condition.

This painting of Sampson and Delilah speaks for itself more than any other painting. Rembrandt took a story, put it in his mind and was able to make it come to life with one painting. Rembrandt was trying to show a painting as if it were a movie by getting everything that happened into one gesture. In my opinion he is not only a painter but is also a Nonverbal Storyteller.
Assignment # 3 (repost)

1) The Medici family was highly ranked during the Renaissance. They were rich bankers which they also bankrolled the church and also helped out a lot by contributing to what florence is today in an art aspect such as sponsoring michaelangelo.

2) Donatello's David was very unique because sodomy was illegal during this time period which made it really stand out by showing everyone that they did not care.It was also the first statue of a nude person during this time period. Since the statue was so "rule breaking" in a way it could be called the statue of revolution in my perspective.

3) Donatello's David is a statue of a man holding a sword with his foot on a head as if he defeated a beast. He is completely naked while holding the sword of goliath.